Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Be Our Valentine

Be Our Valentine
Second Thursdays at The Montague
14 February 2008
Be Our Valentine was a work included in the monthly Second Thursday evenings of performance, poetry, and music curated by Frog Morris, held at The Montague Arms in South London.

During the evening of 14th of February 2008, Davina and Daniel established a vantage point from where they wrote, and addressed Valentine Cards to individual audience members who caught their eye -

'To the woman in the red coat drinking a glass of wine'

To find out if they had indeed received a card from Davina and Daniel, the audience, looked in a post box placed on the bar, where each card was deposited.

Later, during the evening, a woman took upon herself the role of Cupid, hand delivering each card to their intended recipient.

Davina and Daniel received Valentine Cards

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